Monetize Your IP Or Avoid Litigation
Patent licensing is a useful way for patent owners to monetize their intellectual property and resolve patent disputes. Alternatively, patent licensing is a way for accused infringers to avoid or mitigate the cost of litigation while at the same time obtain the freedom to practice the patented technology. Either way, you will need an experienced attorney who understands the intricacies of patent licenses to help you negotiate and craft the terms of any such license.
At Hudnell Law Group, our attorneys have negotiated numerous patent licenses and are committed to helping you secure favorable licensing terms.
A Wide Range Of IP Transactional Services
We offer legal advice to both established technology corporations and startups, as well as universities, nonprofits, and independent inventors. Our services include advising on patent assignments, patent licenses and cross licenses, software licenses, and patent portfolio sales, and acquisitions.
Experienced Lawyers Committed To Delivering Results
At Hudnell Law Group, we invest the time to understand our clients’ businesses, their needs and their expectations. We then apply our blend of diverse IP knowledge and expertise to craft strategies tailored to our clients’ goals. We distinguish ourselves by precisely executing these strategies and following through with our clients to ensure that our solutions yield favorable results.
To see how Hudnell Law Group can help you achieve your intellectual property goals, contact us online or call 650-564-3698 and schedule an initial consultation at our office in Mountain View, California.